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Safety Information


The safety of our children is a major concern. Please help us to teach good safety habits and the safest, most direct route to and from school. Teach your child to cross the street only at crosswalks and to look both ways before crossing, Instruct your child not to talk to strangers and to go directly to and from home and school. Remember, there is no after school supervision. If you drive your child to school, please drive slowly when dropping your child off or waiting for your child. The safest thing to do is to park your car and escort your child to or from the car. Deliver or pick up of your child only on the school side of the street. Do not park in the parking lot or direct your child to pas through the parking lot gate. Please do not park in the bus zone.


School Police

310.604.6578 / 6579

Vandalism Hotline


Animal Control


Compton Sheriff (non-emergency)





In case of natural disaster or civil crises, the closing of school will be televised or broadcasted over the radio. Please check media, including cable channel and other TV., radio channels, and newspaper. In the unusual circumstance where school must be closed during the school day, every effort will be made to contact parents, guardians and/or emergency designees before releasing students from school. It is important that you provide us with your current working numbers and a reliable contact number.


Please secure permission through the office to withdraw your child from school during school hours. Teachers are not permitted to release children for any reason, and parents must meet children in the office before departure. Positively, no one is to leave the grounds anytime during school hours without permission of the office. This policy has been adopted for his/her safety and to protect your child from being taken from school by anyone except parents or guardians.

The names of any persons to whom a child may be released must appear on the enrollment form. This includes brothers or sisters who may be asked to pick up their siblings. If you have more than two people who may pick up the child, please include the additional names on a separate piece of paper that may be attached to the emergency information.

Children will not be released to anyone whose name is not recorded on the Enrollment Form. Children will not be released to anyone younger than 18-years-old. Please adhere to these policies for the safety of your children.